Seven Acre Rocks August 22nd

So due too local Lockdowns, it was just my wife and I again. We changed the plan and location at last minute. We decided to stay closer to home so would could still get some work done in the garden. We ended up going for a short walk at 7 acre Rocks. At home I am building high raised garden beds to grow some of our own veggies. The frames are nearly finished. Hopefully will have enough time to get some stuff growing for the up coming season.

The next event should be organized for around the 19th of September. It will closely coincide with spring equinox.

Mount Worth July 24th

Due to lockdowns in our area, this ended up just being my wife and myself. So I was not particularly in a rush to get the new post up. But as I have said before, I intend to keep this going regardless if anyone else shows up or not.

We took a walk at Mount Worth State park. Out enjoying the world of Midgard. We had an enjoyable afternoon. We spoke about animism and nature spirits. And how it relates to the web of wyrde within Odinism. We spoke about the concept of harmingja. We made an offering too the Einhajar. Last time I had the hearth group at the same place was a few years ago, around the same time of year. There was a few more people, we walked a different trail and spoke about Ond (the concept of life force energy in our traditions).

The next event should be organized for the weekend of the 21-22 of August.

For details feel free to contact me.

Hail the folk!

Hail the gods!